third generation Interlochen camper

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third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

When I was there, it was called "National Music Camp", and (technically) I was enrolled in the University of Michigan, taking courses which applied to my degree (at another university). I played under both the U of M batons of William Revelli (I wasn't on any sort of first name "Bill" relationship with him) and Robert Reynolds (by the same token, not "Bob"). I enjoyed midnight swims in Green Lake, and befriended Rex Connor (who could really get around on something akin to Meinl-Weston 25), and met Harvey Phillips ("That's a fine sound, young man"). I also (per every summer) heard the Detroit Symphony (Tchaik 4), wasn't the least bit interested in seeing Bob Hope :eyes: , and also heard the Benny Goodman Quartet (Lionel Hampton, Urbie Green, of course: Benny Goodman, etc.)
I also recall that (President) Gerald Ford (a Michigan alumni) was there for a day or so, and - prior to that - I was questioned by a 6'8" guy - in a bright yellow "tourist" suit (looked like Bluto...obviously Secret Service) who "happened" by and asked some "questions".

I don't know what her orchestra will be playing - and I'm not sure when the show starts (OK...I was just told 7 P.M. 6 my time), but - apparently - I get to see my (third-generation Interlochen camper) granddaughter play in about an hour, here: ... ium-webcam

It appears as though some band is up first, and some other students are sitting in some of the patron seats...It's only 6:20 EDT, so - I guess - it's another group which could be playing before hers. ("I know NO-THING". - Sgt. Schultz)
. . . . . . .
OK...I believe I may have spotted her, so (apparently...??) she's playing with the orchestra that plays after this band (on stage) plays.

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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

Maybe this is them (c. 7:45 EDT) ...??
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

…a bunch of middle school age kids giving their best shot at (part of) the full blown version of “American in Paris”. You can tell it’s hot on stage: the brass are sharp, and the strings are flat.

Gould - “American Salute”
(They’re trying very hard 😀.)
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by Three Valves »

Middle School?? Jr High??


HA!! Middle School, thanks..
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

I think (??) my granddaughter’s going into the seventh grade, and she’s playing second horn.

Her older sister is in the audience. I believe she’s there studying art and writing.
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

…and closing the concert with the Howard Hanson “Interlochen Theme”. (theme from the second symphony)
People are just supposed to get up and leave after that without applauding.
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by humBell »

bloke wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 6:09 pm …and closing the concert with the Howard Hanson “Interlochen Theme”. (theme from the second symphony)
People are just supposed to get up and leave after that without applauding.
How come no applause?

So as not to wake up anyone who fell asleep? That's mighty considerate...
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

humBell wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:30 am How come no applause? ... e-concert/

World Youth Symphony Orchestra
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

They played some piece I’d never heard of, American in Paris (Gershwin), and American Salute (Gould).

Imagine getting a crack at that literature at age 12.

Their next concert is in another week - on the 15th. I’m sure the literature is going to be just a challenging.
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by humBell »

My generic apologies for flippancy. Three generations does tend to indicate they're doing something right. (and while not knowing much about Interlochen, in my own fashion, i have drunk the summer program coolaid)

Thanks for including the music so as i can ponder it.

Though the article does tend to support my not waking napping audience members theory, what with the glaring, and the "it calms the kids" comment. Is audience response universally discouraged? Or are there points where it is appropriate?
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

humBell wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:16 am My generic apologies for flippancy. Three generations does tend to indicate they're doing something right. (and while not knowing much about Interlochen, in my own fashion, i have drunk the summer program coolaid)

Thanks for including the music so as i can ponder it.

Though the article does tend to support my not waking napping audience members theory, what with the glaring, and the "it calms the kids" comment. Is audience response universally discouraged? Or are there points where it is appropriate?
Everyone seems to want to interject fiction, controversy, (and wrongheaded P's.O.V.) into their "articles".
I've never seen anyone glare (just as people at churches don't glare at those who don't receive communion, and nor do they glare at non-members who go up to receive it - though others like to claim that these things occur), and the purpose is not to "calm the kids".
Rather, it's to supply a constant symbolic reminder - after each large ensemble concert - as to what National Music Camp (now: Interlochen Arts Camp) is all about - as well as what and who came before those in attendance.

( ‘ not lecturing…just informing) 😎
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by humBell »

bloke wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:59 am ...

Rather, it's to supply a constant symbolic reminder - after each large ensemble concert - as to what National Music Camp (now: Interlochen Arts Camp) is all about - as well as what and who came before those in attendance.

... 😎
Aye, this is the quality of answer i was looking for. The symbology, if you will. Thanks!

Sorry to grasp at straws povided in the article. Do folk clap at all? Or show appreciation between numbers? Which i always thought was discouraged in concert settings so as both to keep things moving and not give the impression to folk who didn't get as much applause were appreciated any less. Hence the usual saving it for the end motif.

And yeah glares are often in the eye of the sensative beholder. Good thing you got shades!

And as you have accomodated my curiosity, i should summarize similar situation in the camp where i went (alas, i'm only a second generation... i been slacking), which weren't music specific, but sure had a lot of music built in. Every group gets their own song, as well as a number of activities, many of which are camp words set to popular melodies of a century ago. Saturday evening program consists of skits and music that folk rehearsed* during the week, and where some level of music hall behavior is tolerated and even appreciated. So it is one of few places i have enjoyed an encore summoned up by folk clapping in unison. But we have our own songs (indoor with piano, and out door with no accompaniment as situation calls for)
whose lyrics are reflective on the day, after which folk file out quietly, thanking the person most responsible for the evening program (and the whole day) running smoothly. And of course taps is played on the bugle at lights out. Er, i shoulda also pointed out bugle calls get used as an outdoor version of school bells, letting everyone know when the next activity is happening.

It's no Interlochen, and i never got round to practicing my music while there, but i liked it.

*where if folk have been at the camp for a long time, some of the older acts need but a light dusting...
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

fictitious concert:

Festive Overture - thunderous applause with bows
Songs of a Wayfarer - thunderous applause with bows
Shostakovitch 11 - thunderous applause with bows
Interlochen theme (ending each major concert) - get up and leave quietly

I think it's cool that my 12-year-old granddaughter has already played her first Interlochen theme. :smilie8:
Everyone brags on their grandchildren, but she's one of those AAAAA type personalities who does everything extremely well, everything comes very easily to/for her (Climb that rope to the top of the gym first time I try?...OK / Play the violin/flute...OK / Blow through this first year algebra book in a couple of months, and enroll in the next grade's class?...OK / etc.) , naturally presents herself very well, and is extremely clever. ...the type that - occasionally - can be a problem. Her mother is very watchful without hovering, and disables all three of the grandchildren's "electronics" - except for a limited amount of time, each day. She's taken it upon herself to teach her younger brother to play the horn.

this same one - to her dad: "I'm going to take your job, someday." :bugeyes:

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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by UncleBeer »

Uncle Beer went to Interlochen as an HS camper three summers. He also attended as a crumb-cruncher, as his folks were on faculty (pic attached as proof). He played for President Ford at that concert in Kresge auditorium, he met Joe Maddy (founder of Interlochen), and he performed Hanson's 2nd Symphony under Hanson himself at Interlochen back in the '70s.

Ain't braggin' if you really did it...

Interlochen is a magical place.

Uncle Beer.jpg
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

There are some things I'd rather not report on of which had to do with 2 A.M., Green Lake, aluminum basses, and duct tape - for over the F holes (which - conveniently - was found in the bass hut).
All other times, though, we went for late night swims WITHOUT the basses...

...then, there was the breaking into the food hut - to commandeer a 5 gallon bucket of NOT-thinned-out-with-vegetable-oil peanut butter - so we could have at least ONE decent thing to eat...and yes, they've stepped up the game considerably - in that cafeteria - since those times.
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by GC »

The "Interlochen Theme" was also end-credits music for the movie "Alien".
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

The World Youth Symphony Orchestra (WYSO - referred to on campus as the "wiesoe") - the top older hotshot "big kids" orchestra - typically performs monumental works requiring expanded orchestration (since there is no cost involved in adding "extras"). They've already performed Symphonie Fantastique, this summer, and will play Rite of Spring - in a few weeks. This orchestra sounds like anything-but kids (nearly all of them are conservatory-bound, and most all of them received large scholarships which cover much of the costs of them being there), tickets (if someone finds themselves anywhere near Traverse City) are not expensive at all, and the concerts are webcast.


admission: (tied in with "Interlochen Theme")

I never played Hanson 2 until just a four years ago, and the music director who programmed it – not particularly a sentimentalist – surprised me by doing so.

I honestly don’t remember why, but I ended up with a snip of that performance – the coda:

my favorite thing: the corporate audible BREATH - prior to the last note
If you perceived that you only heard the "whump" of the tuba on the last note, you have good ears.
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

I was told there would be another one of these concerts – I guess the final one for this younger groups shorter camping term.
I guess it’s starting about now.
My guess is that they go home tomorrow. ... ium-webcam
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by Mary Ann »

Interlochen does seem to be for those who are going to go on --- when I was in high school, the asst concertmaster of the orchestra went to Interlochen, and ended up with a career in Atlanta. I, the concertmaster, did not go to Interlochen and ended up, eventually, in engineering school. All as it should have been, in the long run.

I got to play Hansen 2 during the eight years I was in a pretty good community orchestra on 2nd horn. Playing 2nd horn on that piece was basically heaven for me; violin parts just aren't like that; they are better at "lotsa notes." Not only was it gorgeous like nothing else, the 2nd horn part isn't taxing and you can sit there and enjoy the hell out of it while you're playing, instead of wondering if you're going to hit that high note that's just a few measures away. I'm not as fond of listening to that piece nearly as much as I enjoy playing it, though.
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Re: third generation Interlochen camper

Post by bloke »

The main theme of the entire symphony – basically “the Interlochen theme“ - I believe Hanson himself fell in love with it, and just could not resist having the orchestra play it over and over. 😐
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