Interesting, mine is only about 25 lbs (4V + kicker), but the case is 25 lbs too, so adds up about the same. Murder to carry around.
Do you keep your hard cases?
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Re: Do you keep your hard cases?
- bloke
- Mid South Music
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Re: Do you keep your hard cases?
My extremely large B-flat weighs 70 pounds when I’m very tired but only weighs 27 pounds when I’m well-rested.
bloke “If meteorologists are supposed to be ‘pure scientists’ - and can presume that things ‘feel like’ this or that to all other individuals, I can do that with carrying tubas around, can I not?”
bloke “If meteorologists are supposed to be ‘pure scientists’ - and can presume that things ‘feel like’ this or that to all other individuals, I can do that with carrying tubas around, can I not?”
Re: Do you keep your hard cases?
Ha! I never weighed it, I just read somewhere that it's 35 pounds. It definitely shifts me backwards for a second when I put it on my back, and I'm 210. I find myself leaning forward to center myself again.
But yeah, that case weight. I was thinking about how bad an idea it was to put it up so high in the garage when I almost dropped it.
But yeah, that case weight. I was thinking about how bad an idea it was to put it up so high in the garage when I almost dropped it.
(This horn list more to remind me what I have than to brag)
1984 Conn 12J
1990s Kanstul 900-4B BBb
1924 Holton 122 Sousa
1972 Holton B300 Euph
If you see a Willson 2900, serial W2177, it's been missing for a long time. Help me bring it home.
(This horn list more to remind me what I have than to brag)
1984 Conn 12J
1990s Kanstul 900-4B BBb
1924 Holton 122 Sousa
1972 Holton B300 Euph
If you see a Willson 2900, serial W2177, it's been missing for a long time. Help me bring it home.
- bloke
- Mid South Music
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- kingrob76
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Re: Do you keep your hard cases?
I keep my cases because I have physical space to use them and find it a good place to keep a horn that I don't want "out" for any reason. I rarely use them to transport a horn if I can avoid it, but have been known to use them for that purpose on the rare occasion. They are not protection for shipping, but they are protection for "dumb *hit happening in my basement" which has been known to happen. If I were to buy a horn that did not include a case I wouldn't actively seek one out, but I would probably acquire one if I saw the right deal on a used one.
Rob. Just Rob.
- bloke
- Mid South Music
- Posts: 20356
- Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:55 am
- Location: western Tennessee - near Memphis
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Re: Do you keep your hard cases?
Now that I’m actually carrying hard cases to gigs, I’m finding that I’m also keeping a piece of corrugated cardboard from a shipping carton in my car, because I’m taking the instrument out of the case at the vehicle most often, and I’m setting the instrument on its bell – on the cardboard on pavement – before carrying the instrument into the venue on my shoulder.
(I am certain that most of the annoying dings and dents that I was getting in my instruments occurred when they were in bags in my cars.)
If I was one of you guys who carries a music stand and a tuner and a bunch of screwdrivers and spare parts and various oils and lights and multiple mouthpieces and reading material and all that jazz in the side pocket of a gig bag, I don’t know what the hell I would do.
(I am certain that most of the annoying dings and dents that I was getting in my instruments occurred when they were in bags in my cars.)
If I was one of you guys who carries a music stand and a tuner and a bunch of screwdrivers and spare parts and various oils and lights and multiple mouthpieces and reading material and all that jazz in the side pocket of a gig bag, I don’t know what the hell I would do.