Tubas, euphoniums, mouthpieces, and anything music-related.
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Found this relic on the shelf. No idea where it came from. Stamped "REVERE" and "BB". Would Revere (the silver company) have ever produced mouthpieces?
"Revere" was a stencil used by the Sorkin Music Company (a depression-era store in Philly and later New York) that bought many things from Martin. I know they stenciled Martin saxes and trumpets. I don't know who made their mouthpieces, but they apparently sold a LOT of trumpet pieces back then.
I do not know whether YOUR Revere is a Sorkin Revere, and even if it is, I don't know if it is a Martin-made mouthpiece.
Let's see what Michael Keller has to say about this. Hey, @windshieldbug!!!
(He knows a bazillion pieces of information about stuff like this.)
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