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Re: difficult transformations, psychologically

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:44 am
by bloke
In one of the "freeway philharmonics" with which I'm involved, the relationships between the music director and musicians (though - of course - we immediately play/phrase/etc. as he demands) are fairly relaxed...well...except for (perhaps) a handful of folks who (per typical) "don't get it", and might tend to claim butthurtness to their "artiste-ry".

He teases us, and we tease him back. 😐
Recently, he wisecracked back at me (missing a natural in something that was passed out on the spur of the moment...yes...I ACTUALLY DO make occasional goofs and MORE lately - when reading, because - re: cataracts - I'm doing a LOT of guessing), and (since I really didn't have a good comeback ready) all I could come up with (off the cuff) was "Maestro, Since we're always playing in these sharp keys, my middle finger is just too tired to raise it, at the moment."
