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Re: abbreviation/acronym/whatever for "C tuba for college"...??

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:56 am
by donn
Is that what tuba players see as the profession - playing in an orchestra? I mean, I really don't know, just seems weird to me. Anyway, if it were my ambition to place in the top 0.1% or whatever it takes, I guess I'd pursue everything that would possibly help, and one of those things would be one or more instruments that I felt good about. And I would get used to people focusing on that detail, because that's how people are.

Re: abbreviation/acronym/whatever for "C tuba for college"...??

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:19 am
by Tubeast
A few posts ago Bloke expressed hope for suitable German Composita.
I´d suggest "Studentenhupe", abbreviated to SH.
Very fitting command...
The association being the ball horn that was installed on John-Boy Walton´s Ford.
Google tells me the british english translation to "Hupe" would be "Hooter". Go figure.

Or what about "BOTIF" ??
"BOught To Impress Fools"