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Who Played I'm Just Wild About Harry on the film My Girl

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 10:21 am
by edfirth
Our friend Northern,aka Gene P. posted this on the other forum but I lost my log in information when we got a new computer so I'm going to tell my little story here in hopes that it might find it's way to Gene and hopefully amuse some of you folks.So I got a phone call from someone who said they were making a movie in Orlando and needed to rent a tuba...and the people they'd called had all given them my name. So I asked what they were looking for and they knew NOTHING about tubas so I went into top action, side action, and the various finishes they come with but I might as well have been speaking Latin so I suggested Russ Ward's unlaquered Conn 3J because of the size and that it wouldn't reflect the lights. Again, I was speaking Latin and they wanted me to go over the entire spectrum of horns again but we'd already been talking for over an hour and the person was just too dumb to continue to converse with so I told them to look somewhere else.About a week later my boss (I was in the big band in the majic kingdom called the "World Band") called me into his office and said some movie company was needing a tuba player to play I'm Just Wild About Harry on some movie so he suggedted Dave Gannet, John Allred and myself as all being up to that. They then told him that the player might have to play AND body double for Dan Akroyd. Well Dave, John, and I are about the same height but Dave was tipping in at about 300 lbs, John 235lbs,. and I was about 190 so since Dan was about 235 they brought John in. When I saw John awhile later he was telling me how cool and funny Dan was and they had John just off camera facing Dan so he could ape the fingerings. John was playing Joe Borati's Conn 5J and Dan was holding Russ Ward's 3J.Go figure. When I finally came across the movie I noticed how "mixed" sound was on Harry and how raw it was when he plays the national anthem later in the flick and a guy who responded on the other forum said John AND Jim Self were listed in some information so mabye they took Jim into the studio and redid it. Last I heard, John still gets checks from it though. Funny how stuff works. That's it. Ed