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LOL...practicing and aging

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:56 am
by bloke
My 65-years-old body housing my thinking-I'm-30-years-old mind wrote:I'll just mow a few acres, rake and shovel a couple of the mowed acres into the trailer, trailer the clippings into the pasture feed bin and the rest into one of the ravines, check on the garden, build that platform (to fit tightly on top of the enclosed trailer, to safely get the extension ladder up eight feet higher), fix some sousaphones, answer some emails, fill some orders, eat dinner, take a hot bath, and then....... practice.
IF I get all that stuff done, I walk past FatBastard, admire it, and climb into bed (thinking about a hot bath) but conk out.

Re: LOL...practicing and aging

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:01 am
by Nworbekim
I can relate... I usually do my practice sessions in the morning exactly for the same reason. I try to start about 9:30 and go until my chops are tapping out.

Since most of my work on the farm is just keeping the bushes from taking over. I'm mowing or bush hogging something most every day and the dew isn't dry until up in the mid day.

Re: LOL...practicing and aging

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:07 pm
by bloke
Nworbekim wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:01 am I can relate... I usually do my practice sessions in the morning exactly for the same reason. I try to start about 9:30 and go until my chops are tapping out.

Since most of my work on the farm is just keeping the bushes from taking over. I'm mowing or bush hogging something most every day and the dew isn't dry until up in the mid day.
yup...The same goes for mowing these acres or applying oil-based stain to the exteriors of these logs on this house...and - in the winter - for wood cutting/gathering (or fence repairs or shed repairs or whatever) I sorta like it to be 35 degrees - out there (a bit later in the day) than 15 or 18 degrees (earlier in the day)... You know that - before "extreme climate global warming change weather made man" - it would regularly get to 0° K, around here...which cut down on the pests, during the summer. :coffee:

Re: LOL...practicing and aging

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:13 pm
by Three Valves
Oh yeah, after the range, (Wife likes the .45 just like I do) I cut the grass, pulled weeds, had dinner and found a tick. :bugeyes:

Showered and had the wife check my head. :thumbsup:

My mom did that when we were kids. :smilie6:


Re: LOL...practicing and aging

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:54 am
by Jperry1466
You described it very well. I have a 2.3 acre yard which doesn't need much mowing right now, but I am dragging around hoses and sprinklers to try to keep it alive in this drought. Add to that I can only use my left arm due to a recent shoulder replacement. I have a neighbor feeding what few cows I have left, but.... the doctor said I could go ahead and start playing my tuba IF someone will pick it up and set it in my lap. He didn't say who is supposed to load it in my car. Just doing all this thinking wears me out. But my 71 year old brain says I can still do it all.

Re: LOL...practicing and aging

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:12 am
by bloke
Playing in the morning, yesterday, seemed to work out pretty well. Also, repairing “a band instrument or two“ instead of “a dozen or two“ the day before – along with the other miscellaneous things that we all have to do to get through the day – seemed to offer additional spare energy.