Seeking an accomplished euphonium player who has access to a king four valve fairly recently made front action baritone

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Seeking an accomplished euphonium player who has access to a king four valve fairly recently made front action baritone

Post by bloke »

I would like to have you evaluate the valve circuit lengths and let me know if any of them are too long to get any of the pitches played by any of the circuits in tune.

I am using one of these valve sets for a project.

Thank you.

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Re: Seeking an accomplished euphonium player who has access to a king four valve fairly recently made front action barit

Post by iiipopes »

I played one years ago. My only memorable impression is to check the third valve slide. With the 4th valve being an "add-on," the 3rd valve slide may need adjustment, as I think it was made long for 2+3 and 1+3 combinations for the 3-valve version, and not altered when adding the 4th valve. Hopefully, others will have played one more recently and report.
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Re: Seeking an accomplished euphonium player who has access to a king four valve fairly recently made front action barit

Post by bloke »

iiipopes wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:20 am I played one years ago. My only memorable impression is to check the third valve slide. With the 4th valve being an "add-on," the 3rd valve slide may need adjustment, as I think it was made long for 2+3 and 1+3 combinations for the 3-valve version, and not altered when adding the 4th valve. Hopefully, others will have played one more recently and report.
Thank you. At least I’m getting one response. 😎
Yes, that’s why I asked about a more recently made one.
I bought one of these with four valves (trashed badly, but with the valve section repairable and with very good valves) that is obviously more recently made, and was considering the possibility of 1 of 3 being too long on the older ones, but possibly (??) adjusted on the more recent ones – just as they did on the 2341 (vs. 1241) tuba.
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