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Eastman 623 5/4 BBb tuba $5,000 or trade for F/Eb tuba

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:16 pm
by LargeTuba
Hello, My Eastman 623 5/4 BBb is for sale or trade. It is one of the best tubas I have ever played or owned. I recently purchased a very nice Cc tuba and Ma trying to make the switch. I wish I could keep both, but I can’t really afford it.

This tuba is a really nice size for me. Easy to hold and nice big fat sound. Very easy to support an orchestra or band.



There are a couple small dents and some scratches in the lacquer but the tuba is still in nice condition. I can send more photos if requested.

It comes with the original Eastman case but it is very low quality.

It is $5,000 plus shipping or local pickup at 46360 or in Chicago.

I would love to trade for a 5 valve F/Eb. I’m open to anything really but would be most interested in
Miraphone: Peteuska, Starlight, Norwegian Star
B&S: Any F or Eb
Mienl Weston: Any Eb or F. Especially the 2141 Eb.
Yamaha: 822 F, 621 F
Id be interested in Chinese stuff, feel free to shoot me whatcha got.

Id be happy to throw in a little money to make a trade happen/even valued.


Re: Eastman 623 5/4 BBb tuba $5,000 or trade for F/Eb tuba

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 9:46 pm
by martyneilan
You could consider buying my F tuba and maybe still be able to keep your big horn.
(Scroll to down to the Cerveny)

Re: Eastman 623 5/4 BBb tuba $5,000 or trade for F/Eb tuba

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:44 am
by LargeTuba