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Make an offer -- Giardinelli Sym-B bass trombone mouthpiece - old new stock

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:58 pm
by bort2.0
Picked this up maybe 15 years ago and I think I used it once for 5 minutes. Otherwise, it's old new-stock -- I bought it and it had never been used, and it's sat unused ever since.

Lots of patina from just sitting in the box, otherwise in perfect shape. If you like, I can shine it up for you before shipping it.

I have no clue what the value of this is, or how to price it. $45 including shipping?

Terrible photo, sorry... will update with something better when I can...


Re: Giardinelli Sym-B bass trombone mouthpiece - old new stock

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:39 am
by matt g
I remember these being cleared out in that same timeframe. I have one or two of these also.

They’d probably make decent mouthpieces for doubling on euphonium. They felt a bit off in terms of a bass trombone mouthpiece when compared to the usual suspects.

Re: Make an offer -- Giardinelli Sym-B bass trombone mouthpiece - old new stock

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:01 pm
by bort2.0
Make me an offer! I'm going to the post office on Monday anyway, and want to get this thing off of my desk. :tuba:

Re: Make an offer -- Giardinelli Sym-B bass trombone mouthpiece - old new stock

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:11 pm
by bort2.0