Somehow - several years ago, he and Billy Dean hooked up, Billy Dean really digs him (Dan Wilkinson) and Dan actually TOURS with Billy Dean.
I was at Dan's 80th birthday party (huge blow-out in a big/popular restaurant). Billy Dean came and entertained everyone.
Here's video of the two of them teaching each other some songs - from each others' comfort-zone repertoires.
If you would "like" our band's page, that would be nice.
(I believe I'm the youngest person in the band...and I'm not "young".)
VIDEO, DESCRIBED ABOVE: ... 1128197454
This is off-topic, but two of the (yep) LP's that I recorded with that PREVIOUS (defunct) band (on one of George Buck's old NOLA Jazzology labels) are on youtube.
Look for Hot Cotton Jazz Band tracks SPECIFICALLY with these two LP covers...I'm playing bass and tuba on all of those, but I myself left the band after those first two LP's were recorded...They simply accepted too may out-of-town jobs, jazz festival gigs, and ocean cruise gigs...and I was trying to run a music store with Mrs. bloke, so...