Jaws solo
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:52 pm
There is an orchestral John Williams medley which includes the solo, but is marked "optional - with horns"...or some-such.
(Likely, MANY of you have played it, and - for all I know - there's a band version of the same medley...??)
As is known, it's a tuba (not horn) solo.
This will be the second time through it with this orchestra ("recycled" from five or six years ago...) It's been played (both times) on free outdoor concerts.
I skipped it last time, because I was covering the concert on a large/contrabass tuba.
This time, I'm asked to cover 4th trombone on "the Ride" (F cimbasso, specifically), and I don't want to risk punching dents in (nor tipping over) Fat Bastard (Miraphone 98). It's one of those really nice/deluxe portable stages, but it's "just" large enough...
...so I'm thinking of playing F tuba on everything (speaking of "Ride on F tuba" from another thread), and asking the sound men (who've gotten darn good at mike-ing this show - over the years, to SUBTLY turn up the "bass" on my mike. With the F tuba (though yeah...super-hero, Tommy Johnson probably played it on a 185 C, or something like that) I'm going to go ahead and play it...the only remaining issue being that - if one of those horn players screw it up (and I play it well) who will be blamed ...YET (the positive being) if ~I~ screw it up, I can claim that THEY screwed it up.
...and I might ALSO run the Jaws lick on the 32"-tall Holton B-flat, and see how it lies on that instrument...
(Likely, MANY of you have played it, and - for all I know - there's a band version of the same medley...??)
As is known, it's a tuba (not horn) solo.
This will be the second time through it with this orchestra ("recycled" from five or six years ago...) It's been played (both times) on free outdoor concerts.
I skipped it last time, because I was covering the concert on a large/contrabass tuba.
This time, I'm asked to cover 4th trombone on "the Ride" (F cimbasso, specifically), and I don't want to risk punching dents in (nor tipping over) Fat Bastard (Miraphone 98). It's one of those really nice/deluxe portable stages, but it's "just" large enough...
...so I'm thinking of playing F tuba on everything (speaking of "Ride on F tuba" from another thread), and asking the sound men (who've gotten darn good at mike-ing this show - over the years, to SUBTLY turn up the "bass" on my mike. With the F tuba (though yeah...super-hero, Tommy Johnson probably played it on a 185 C, or something like that) I'm going to go ahead and play it...the only remaining issue being that - if one of those horn players screw it up (and I play it well) who will be blamed ...YET (the positive being) if ~I~ screw it up, I can claim that THEY screwed it up.
...and I might ALSO run the Jaws lick on the 32"-tall Holton B-flat, and see how it lies on that instrument...