Okay, so sometimes you have to rely on trial and error, and yesterday was a bad day, so we can list some of what I got done as "error" and move on with that.
The main thing, though, is that I discovered the "tragic flaw" of my 4th valve design, as well as some stuff that soldered on yesterday that looked good, but once I dug into the whole "flaw" situation it became obvious that stuff had to be taken off, cleaned up (again) and then moved. One thing, happily, involved two tubing joints and I was able to "heat and tweak" without making any mess or creating any leaks. Nice.
My flaw was in the ratio between the two doglegs I need for the outer half of the 4th slide: they cannot work together in this context. Nope. No way. To be fair to myself, I am not really sure I could have seen this until things were more built out.
I ended up dicking around with the upper 4th slide all morning. This is the *real* 4th slide and not some dang "maintenance port" so alignment really counts, and so does the location/angle of the crook. To make things work as I have been showing them, the crook would have to be exactly coplanar with the upper 3rd slide, and a bit less than .25" behind the 3rd slide. The offset was less than half of the span of one of the crooks. As this became apparent to me I was none too pleased, since this means that moving either of them would now be rather inconvenient. The final nail in the coffin was that the lower, outer 4th would not line up with the dogleg I was using. That came off of the hoop from over on the other side of the valve set. First, I moved the hoop over a quarter of an inch. That helped. Okay, no. That made it worse. What helped was that now it was clear that to make things line up with that long, outer 4th tube AND allow that tube to be far enough away from the fat inner branches that stick out there, I needed to use a wider crook. I tried several of the 19 mm originals but none helped with the lower slide and dogleg.
The solution was what I wanted to do all along: use another Miraphone 186 lower 5th slide crook. This pushed the outer tube far out enough to allow the placement of the large detachable brace feet where then need to be AND lined up the lower slide with the dogleg.
However, the slide is now on a *very* different plane.
Anyway, there were a LOT of small issues with how I wanted to do things. (Wanted — read: looked to be the best choice though I did not actually want that setup.) The fix was to put things the way I saw them in my head weeks ago. I need to trust my judgment more, I guess.
The new upper 4th slide is together and braced up. It has been cleaned. Now I have to head back out to install the MUCH LONGER braces between the long 3rd and 4th tubes. Then the lower 4th slide can finally be attached.
When that is done I am calling it a day.
Here is a pic of my nice, wider top 4th slide.