Well, she's gone.

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Well, she's gone.

Post by MN_TimTuba »

Yesterday the truck came and took away my very highly prized Holton 345.
I know I've written this before, but I've had this tuba well over 30 years, and never once been disappointed in her performance. Built in 1966, owned by a school but almost never used, I found her by chance and was able to make her mine and put some money into much-needed repairs. Her sound has been immense, deep, foundational - exactly the reason one owns a tuba like this. However, it's been on my mind that someday I may need to downsize, and a short while ago the opportunity presented itself, so rather than wait until I'm weak and frail, I sent photos and an offer to friend Daniel Ridder in Germany, and she'll soon be in the incredibly capable hands of a highly talented young professional (where she really belonged in the first place rather than with a community band hack like me), starting a new professional career where many more will be able to hear her glorious voice for years to come.
I believe it was Rick Denney in his post on the sale of his York Master who said "A tuba is not a marriage", and he's right. It was time to send this one on her way with an incredible number of fond memories and deep appreciation.
So now, the shopping begins. It's a chore, but a fun chore. It's led me to talking with some fantastically knowledgeable and generous people, and making a decision soon will be difficult. My little YBB103 will get me thru the Dixieland summer season, but I'm hoping to nail down a 4/4 to 5/4 BBb tuba soon.
Also, I just want to state that Daniel has been fantastic to work with. He's a true gentleman and a pleasure to know. Since I've never purchased or shipped an overseas package before, he did all the leg work and fact-gathering, and between packing advice from Daniel, Joe S, Brett M, and Rick D, I was able to get the job done.
So, below are a couple of my favorite photos of her from the past few years, more for my enjoyment than yours. Sort of my 'farewell' to a terrific old friend.
With mixed but peaceful emotions,
Tuba on Spirit Lake.jpg
Tuba on Spirit Lake.jpg (43.91 KiB) Viewed 636 times
Take A Bow 2.png
Take A Bow 2.png (145.01 KiB) Viewed 636 times
Saints Tuba Solo 2.jpg
Saints Tuba Solo 2.jpg (73.85 KiB) Viewed 636 times
Beelzebub and Rainbow 2.JPG
Beelzebub and Rainbow 2.JPG (117.73 KiB) Viewed 636 times
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Lee Stofer Custom 2341-5
Miraphone 83 Eb
Miraphone 191-5 (formerly)
Holton BBb345 (formerly and fondly)
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Re: Well, she's gone.

Post by prairieboy1 »

That must have been hard to part with such a long and faithful friend. The Holton has left one great home and now moves on to another. Best wishes on your search for a new horn. :tuba:
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MN_TimTuba (Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:37 pm)
1916 Holton "Mammoth" 3 valve BBb Upright Bell Tuba
1935 King "Symphony" Bass 3 valve BBb Tuba
1998 King "2341" 4 valve BBb Tuba
1970 Yamaha "321" 4 valve BBb Tuba (Yard Goat)
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Re: Well, she's gone.

Post by gionvil »

Tim I think I understand you more than anyone else : two months ago I shipped my beloved Holton 345 CC to Daniel! My relationship with the instrument was not as long as yours ( I had it for about 15 years) but the feelings when I parted with it were the same as yours, as well as the awareness that I might not end up playing anything else in the future with the same beautiful sound. As you, I am now having the fun of looking for something a bit smaller, and to enjoy the different sound carachteristics of other instruments, like this small A.E. Fischer Bremen CC that I recently bought for playing lighter outdoor polka/popular gigs... And I agree, it's been a pleasure to deal with Daniel, who is becoming a real Holton artist:)
E.A.Fischer Bremen.jpg
E.A.Fischer Bremen.jpg (53.77 KiB) Viewed 580 times
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Re: Well, she's gone.

Post by bort2.0 »

God Bless you, Tim. You and I have talked tuba (and talked THAT tuba) many times in the last few years.

30 years with a Holton 345 must be a record. :)

The exciting thing is, now you can pick out your tuba for the NEXT 30 years. :tuba:
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Re: Well, she's gone.

Post by Kontrabasstuba »

I have to say that i am very thankful for everything what bring me forward in to my very small musical career.
That's of course Great Instruments, but people who trust in me are more worth than everything else?
Thank you Tim for your trust and your work with helping me to find this beautiful instrument. And of course Gionata too, your both Holton Tubas are in good hands.

Thank you for everything!
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gionvil (Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:23 pm) • bort2.0 (Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:30 pm) • MN_TimTuba (Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:18 pm) • prairieboy1 (Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:31 pm)
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