CLOSED, for now: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

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CLOSED, for now: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

I'm going to order a bunch of these (from overseas).
They are high quality (from Europe).

mushroom.png (43.74 KiB) Viewed 6057 times

The only place that I've found them in the USA is in the PNW for over $1 ea., with a minimum $100 order, and selling to businesses ONLY (with business licenses - whereby buyers must submit copies of their licenses).

I'm only going to offer the size which is 10mm on the bottom (the part that fits into the water key cup) and which puffs out approx. 3mm larger on the exposed upper part. The fit is probably fine for either 3/8 inch or 13/32 inch i.d. water key cups.

I'll leave this post up for ONE DAY, because I need to get this stuff ordered.

I'm offering a minimum of ten for $20 ($2 ea.) plus $6 postage additional (for whatever quantity).

Further, I'll be asking for prepayment, and no returns...

...and yes, I'm attempting to corner the mushroom-shaped water key cork market, while making an obscene profit of filthy lucre. :smilie2:

Otherwise, I'm NOT interested in buying a bwut-lode of them for "stock", and - later - selling them onezie-twozies.
I'm not in the mail-order parts/accessories bidnuss, other than some tuba mouthpieces.


Last edited by bloke on Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

...peeps already ordering... :bugeyes:

Tomorrow night, I'm going to ask @LeMark to bury this thread on page XXX.
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by tofu »

Well I'm no where near a tuba right now to measure - is 10mm a common size that would accommodate King / Mirafone / Conn spit valves?
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

tofu wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:59 pm Well I'm no where near a tuba right now to measure - is 10mm a common size that would accommodate King / Mirafone / Conn spit valves?
That's why I'm ordering a bunch of them for myself...

I could also buy some "cutie-pie" ones with an 8mm base, but those fit stuff like OLD-OLD "vintage" trumpet water keys and the like. The 10mm are "regular".

Also, I like the fesshunul LOOK of this style of cork, PLUS I've noticed - over the decades - so MANY old tubas (with this type of cork from the factory) with the oem corks still in place and sealing (for whatever reason[ s ]).

>>> Consider that these may (??) elevate your water key a bit higher than with standard cylindrical cork, so some adjustment may be required.

...and your tuba may have spit valves...Mine have water keys.
I just repaired a Besson Sovereign euphonium with spit valves, though.
There was so much lime caked up within that - literally, and not figuratively - the pistons would go up-and-down within the required range, but could not be removed from their casings.
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by Doc »

Will it fit FB?
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

Doc wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:50 amWill it fit FB?
yeah...I have replaced the Miraphone water keys - on that instrument - with B&S-style ones (though brass, rather than nickel, trying to keep them "slightly"-Miraphone-ish brass).

The thick/heavy Miraphone water keys accept corks in this size range, the B&S/M-W-style ones do as well, and King-style will also.

Those different makes only appear to accept diameters of cork which are significantly different, as the wall thicknesses of their cups vary.

I'll be asking Mark to place this thread back to the end of this forum - or cornfield it - tonight...I'm ordering this stuff tomorrow.
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by Tuba1153 »

Doc wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:50 amWill it fit FB?
If I knew you were interested, I would have had Joe double my order.
Mirafone 186 CC
Cerveny Piggy CC
Cerveny 686 BBb
B&S Symphonie F
Meinl-Weston Pre-25 BBb
Weril CC
BMB J-345 Eb
B&H 782 Imperial Eb
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

Tuba1153 wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:08 am
Doc wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:50 amWill it fit FB?
If I knew you were interested, I would have had Joe double my order.
Whether or not...You can just pay for ten more and no more postage...(they weigh nothing, but a package has a minimum 1st class postage rate).
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »


Thanks for the 5 or 6 (plus myself: 7) single and multiple orders of ten.

I'm going to shut this down, now (morning of Friday 6/23/23) and get these things ordered...

I'm asking @LeMark - if possible - to move this thread to the end of the line (page eighty-whatever). That way, people who ordered them can find the thread (if they fail to receive the corks, but forgot who took their money) but - hopefully - I won't have any new requests.

I probably only ordered ten extras for myself/my instruments/my shop...I suppose (??) I could sell those, but I would prefer to have them here as "stock" for repair customers who request them special.
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by LeMark »

I can't reorder the threads, But I could move it to the marketplace or wherever
Yep, I'm Mark
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Re: OFFERING: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

LeMark wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:50 am I can't reorder the threads, But I could move it to the marketplace or wherever
LOL...OK...and I promise to not bump EVERY OTHER thread.
I suppose marketplace would be ok...but (and you probably don't want to do this...) another thread - that people rarely visit - such as Media....
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Re: CLOSED, for now: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

I'll be sending these out shortly.

I'm going to try and sort them to what I perceive as "grade", so that each person gets an equal number of the prettier ones.

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Re: CLOSED, for now: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

I didn't want to do anyone wrong nor disappoint...

I ordered 100.

You folks ordered a total of 60.

There are - coincidentally - just about 60 that I rate "firsts" (regarding appearance and flaws, etc.).
Obviously some might be 95's, some might be 98's, some might be 100's...but the top 60 seem to all be nice enough.

I'm not keeping ANY of the top 60 for myself, and sending ALL of those to you folks.

I'm keeping the bottom 40 for myself.
If they seal, that's good enough for me.

I'm packaging them today, and mailing them tomorrow.

I'm putting tracking stickers on them.
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Re: CLOSED, for now: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

Some of the sixty firsts RATE 95, some of the sixty firsts RATE 98, and some of the sixty firsts RATE 100.
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Re: CLOSED, for now: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

This is what they look like on the B&S style (though brass) water keys that I installed on my huge Miraphone.

The geometry is barely off (at they ARE tall), but - as these last for MANY years - I expect them to settle in and slightly line up flatter with the nipples.

Regardless...The seal (on all that I installed - two tubas' worth) was perfect and effortless...and (reminder) those that I kept for myself were those I judged to be "B" appearance.
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Re: CLOSED, for now: mushroom/muffin-shaped water key corks 10mm bottom

Post by bloke »

If anyone isn't satisfied with what they got, let me know. I really did try to send you guys the best ones and keep the dogs for myself.