Need advice from Yamaha 201/321 players
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Need advice from Yamaha 201/321 players
My first serious practice with my new (used) Yamaha YYB201SS did not go as well as I hoped it would. The water valve kept dripping on my left leg, and I had to reposition it several times. It has a new cork but that doesn't seem to help. The ring on the left rear of the horn, which I surmise is used for marching, kept jabbing me in my left stomach right below the ribs - not comfortable. I hit the higher notes better but had trouble with lower tones. Is there really that much of a difference in playing my small 3/4 Jupiter to the much larger Yamaha or am I just screwing it up?
What do you find is the best way to get used to a new, much different tuba? Any special drills?
Anything you might care to add would be appreciated. Nothing like getting advice and hearing comments from those who play a lot... I have been a hobbyist - a weekend player, but I will up my practice game if that is what it takes.
I would be lying if I didn't say that I was a tiny bit discouraged. Wondering if I bought the wrong horn (????)
Thanks all....
What do you find is the best way to get used to a new, much different tuba? Any special drills?
Anything you might care to add would be appreciated. Nothing like getting advice and hearing comments from those who play a lot... I have been a hobbyist - a weekend player, but I will up my practice game if that is what it takes.
I would be lying if I didn't say that I was a tiny bit discouraged. Wondering if I bought the wrong horn (????)
Thanks all....
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Re: Need advice from Yamaha 201/321 players
I am now playing the second Yamaha 321 that I have owned. The first was purchased new from "Bloke" here on Tubaforum. It was a terrific horn that was only sold to assist a local brass band here in the city. As another poster said, these are "long tubas". Take the time to experiment to find the right height and positioning yourself that works the best. Air, air and more air makes these horns work really well and that can be said about just about every tuba (at least the ones that I play!)
Good luck!

1916 Holton "Mammoth" 3 valve BBb Upright Bell Tuba
1935 King "Symphony" Bass 3 valve BBb Tuba
1998 King "2341" 4 valve BBb Tuba
1970 Yamaha "321" 4 valve BBb Tuba (Yard Goat)
1935 King "Symphony" Bass 3 valve BBb Tuba
1998 King "2341" 4 valve BBb Tuba
1970 Yamaha "321" 4 valve BBb Tuba (Yard Goat)
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I agree, guys. This is the way to go.
Last edited by Dents Be Gone! on Wed May 01, 2024 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Need advice from Yamaha 201/321 players
Much thanks... Today I turned my chair 1/4 turn and balance my horn on the exposed corner in front of my legs. It worked well. I will still experiment with the stand. The tuba played well in both rehearsal and practice. I was very pleased. In fact, several people commented on the good bass section today following the service.
- Posts: 596
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I agree, guys. This is the way to go.
Last edited by Dents Be Gone! on Wed May 01, 2024 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.