Gig bag for Conn 20K

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Gig bag for Conn 20K

Post by Toakstertuba »

For as popular of a sousaphone as it is (for good reason), I'm surprised that there aren't any gig bags that fit the 20K. I've tried the main two (protech and Gard) and neither will zip with the 20K inside. Maybe I'm wrong (hopefully I'm wrong)? Any leads in custom makers? Willing to pay good money for a bag that fits and protects my newer Conn 20K... Messina covers only has a couple models (36K and Martin Mammoth) that they're willing to make... Anyone? Also, willing to buy used if anyone has one in decent shape that fits... Thanks in advance!

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Re: Gig bag for Conn 20K

Post by gocsick »

Are you sure the Protec bag won't fit? I play with a guy who has an 80s vintage 20K and it fits in the same model Protec as I use for my Holton. He tried it out before buying one just to be sure.
As amateur as they come...I know just enough to be dangerous.

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Re: Gig bag for Conn 20K

Post by Toakstertuba »

I'll try again when I get home but it was giving me the same problem as the Gard which was the bell sits too tall when it's in there and it doesn't zip. My 32K fits in the protech but it's significantly smaller... My horn is also made in the last ten years so I'm not sure if anything's changed since the older models (besides the braces)... Thanks for the reply!
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Re: Gig bag for Conn 20K

Post by Toakstertuba »

You're correct, the protech fits... I think I'm just not convinced it's going to protect the horn that well. Particularly afraid of where the 3rd valve tubing sticks out... Anyways thanks for getting me to try again.
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Re: Gig bag for Conn 20K

Post by Toakstertuba »

Okay, rather than deleting my post out of embarrassment, I'm leaving it here for future readers that may be in my situation. After sending emails to the retailer asking for full refund, I pulled out the Gard bag again. I definitely worked up a sweat doing it (and had the full encouragement and support of my wife this time), but I was able to get the case to close all the way. I had to remove all the modular padding, but it is significantly better protection for the entire horn than the Protech, and waaaay easier than hauling the horn around in the giant hard shell case. If anyone is looking for a gig bag for their 20K, based on what I've been able to find, the Gard bag is the best option (if one prioritizes protection over ease of use like I do). I anticipate it will stretch out with more use so hopefully it will become easier to close it up, but I can say with certainty it does fit (barely). Yay!
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