I found THIS (pictured below), which features selected movements from the six cello suites of Bach.
I looked around on the internet and - apparently (??) - it's out of print.
I'm seeing a blue sticker on it, which makes me wonder/suspect that I may have purchased it at the Interlochen sheet music store during the summer of 1974...sort of assuming that "blue" was a code for a price. Otherwise, I could have purchased it from Robert King...but I suspect the former.
These are all voiced in the EUPHONIUM range, which gives me an opportunity to
- read B-flat in the string bass octave (as the range seems to "bottom out" at double-low C")...
...as well as to
- later go back and play some of them on euphonium (working on making two or three alternate/tuning fingerings more automatic, as well as working that left hand index finger thingie).
I would rate Mr. Torchinsky's transcriptions (as well as choices of movements to include) as "very good".
(I'm growing a bit weary of playing 19th century vocalises and contrabass tuba orchestral excerpts, so this is refreshing.)
Once I get to where I'm "playing" them (vs. "reading" them), I'm going back to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePPMrX4YtkM again, to steal some phrasing ideas.
Something else that I've pulled out is (as mentioned in another thread) the Verne Reynolds 48 Etudes for Horn (sloppily transcribed - at least, this first edition - for tuba by Cherry Beauregard)...but the Reynolds book is "brain work" whereas the Bach cello movements are "music work".
' not mentioning ANY names NOR will I...but (looking over youtube - simply - for "stuff to play"...and NOT-AT-ALL claiming to be any sort of "gift to the tuba") does anyone else ever look at any of that stuff, place their forehead in their hand, do this

btw...Adjusted for inflation, this 1974 $2.50 book would be $15 today (with money only worth 1/6th of what it was then - as I reached adulthood).
...save...?? invest...?? (Your "savings" or "investments" had better AT LEAST TRIPLE in monetary value every ten years, in order to "make" anything...might be better to buy stuff and flip it for more...QUICKLY, and A WHOLE BUNCH.)